Together we are building a movement to better the lives and environment for District 110.

While government itself doesn’t create jobs, public policy has a tremendous impact on fostering an environment that supports economic growth and puts more people to work.

Tom will work to roll back government red tape and keep taxes low so hardworking families keep more of what they earn, and businesses can expand and hire more employees.

He will work with state and regional leaders to attract new businesses that keep our local economy diverse and vibrant while promoting a climate that does not neglect our existing small business success stories.

The private sector will flourish with exemplary leadership and ensure our economic security for generations. 

We stand on the shoulders of our senior citizens who have worked hard to pave the way for us. Now it’s our turn to look out for them. State policies must provide relief from higher taxes and fees that take too big a bite out of seniors’ fixed incomes.

Tom will also work tirelessly to fight shameful and disgusting scam operators who prey on vulnerable seniors.

Now, more than ever, we must emphasize effective education for youth and adults.

Workforce training is essential for connecting job creators to workers, so all can enjoy lasting and meaningful economic prosperity. 

The secret is out that South Florida is the best area in the country to live and work. While growth brings challenges like traffic gridlock and skyrocketing housing costs, they are not insurmountable. Tom will work with officials and community leaders to address traffic congestion from all angles, including more innovative development and promoting the use of public transportation. He understands that everyone needs a roof over their heads and will work with stakeholders at every level to meet Miami-Dade’s dire need for affordable housing.

Workforce training is essential for connecting job creators to workers. Tom believes that by creating workforce training programs, we can produce more productive workers, attracting new businesses to make Florida their home. Tom will introduce legislation to create these educational platforms so every capable Floridian can learn and earn!

Tom will continue to work on expanding healthcare options and lowering costs so that each Floridian can receive the coverage and prescriptions they need.


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Paid by Tom Fabricio, Republican, for State Representative - Florida House District 110.

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